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AAMA Goes To Content Marketing World 2021

Edited 11/17/2021

This year our own Michelle Ngome will be giving a presentation at Content Marketing World in Cleveland, OH. She will be presenting 'Inclusive Marketing: Knowing How Diversity Drives Revenue' on Friday, October 1st. If you cannot make it to the conference in person, there are virtual tickets available, and all AAMA members get a discount on passes.

Content Marketing World is an annual event hosted by the Content Marketing Institute in Cleveland, OH. CMWorld was created to grow the industry of using content as a way to market your business. That content is prioritized as an asset, and you can build and leverage your audience to turn your content into a business. There are many speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities to help you get involved in the community and grow your audience.

Here at AAMA, we are a significant component of Content Marketing because of the many benefits. Not only can you use this as a way to show your expertise and grow your business, but it can be a complete revenue stream that can be monetized in multiple ways. Check out the link below for more information.

Content Marketing World Conference Recap Episode

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